Why is my SSL Certificate Not Secure?

SSL certificates are an essential part of any website’s security. They provide encryption and authentication to ensure that data is kept secure and private. But what happens when your SSL certificate isn’t secure?

In this article, we’ll discuss why your SSL certificate might not be secure and what you can do to fix it. We’ll also look at the importance of SSL certificates and why you should always make sure your website is secure.

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that is used to secure data transmitted over the internet. It provides encryption and authentication to ensure that data is kept secure and private. SSL certificates are used to secure websites, email, and other online services.

SSL certificates are issued by a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA verifies the identity of the website owner and issues the certificate. The certificate is then installed on the website’s server and is used to encrypt data transmitted between the website and its visitors.

Why is My SSL Certificate Not Secure?

There are several reasons why your SSL certificate might not be secure. The most common reasons are:

  • The certificate has expired.
  • The certificate is not from a trusted Certificate Authority.
  • The certificate is not properly installed on the server.
  • The website is not using the latest version of TLS (Transport Layer Security).
  • The website is not using a strong cipher suite.

If any of these issues are present, your SSL certificate will not be secure and your website will be vulnerable to attack.

How to Fix an Unsecure SSL Certificate

If your SSL certificate is not secure, there are several steps you can take to fix it. The first step is to make sure the certificate is from a trusted Certificate Authority. You can do this by checking the CA’s website or contacting them directly.

The next step is to make sure the certificate is properly installed on the server. This can be done by checking the server’s configuration or contacting your hosting provider. If the certificate is not properly installed, it will not be secure.

The third step is to make sure the website is using the latest version of TLS. This can be done by checking the server’s configuration or contacting your hosting provider. If the website is not using the latest version of TLS, it will not be secure.

The fourth step is to make sure the website is using a strong cipher suite. This can be done by checking the server’s configuration or contacting your hosting provider. If the website is not using a strong cipher suite, it will not be secure.

Why is SSL Security Important?

SSL security is important because it helps protect your website and its visitors from malicious attacks. It also helps to ensure that data is kept secure and private. Without SSL security, your website and its visitors are vulnerable to attack.

SSL security is also important for SEO. Google and other search engines use SSL security as a ranking factor. Websites with SSL security will rank higher in search results than websites without SSL security.


SSL certificates are an essential part of any website’s security. They provide encryption and authentication to ensure that data is kept secure and private. But if your SSL certificate isn’t secure, there are several steps you can take to fix it. It’s important to make sure your website is secure to protect your website and its visitors from malicious attacks.

If you’re looking for a secure SSL certificate for your website, eSSL is the perfect choice. eSSL offers a wide range of SSL certificates to suit any budget and any website. With eSSL, you can be sure your website is secure and your data is kept safe. Buy SSL Certificate from eSSL today and keep your website secure.