Do SSL Certificates Expire?

SSL certificates are an important part of website security. They are used to encrypt data sent between a website and its visitors, ensuring that the data remains secure and private. But do SSL certificates expire?

The short answer is yes, SSL certificates do expire. All SSL certificates have an expiration date, and when that date is reached, the certificate is no longer valid. This means that any data sent between the website and its visitors is no longer encrypted, leaving it vulnerable to interception and misuse.

Why Do SSL Certificates Expire?

SSL certificates expire for a few reasons. The first is that the certificate authority (CA) that issued the certificate needs to periodically check that the website is still secure. This is done to ensure that the website is still using the latest security protocols and that the website is still owned by the same person or organization.

The second reason is that the encryption algorithms used to secure the data sent between the website and its visitors can become outdated over time. As new security protocols are developed, the old ones become less secure and need to be replaced. By having an expiration date, the CA can ensure that the website is always using the latest and most secure encryption algorithms.

How Long Do SSL Certificates Last?

The length of time an SSL certificate is valid for depends on the type of certificate. Domain Validated (DV) certificates are usually valid for one year, while Organization Validated (OV) and Extended Validation (EV) certificates are usually valid for two years. Some CAs may offer certificates with longer validity periods, but these are not as common.

It is important to note that the expiration date of an SSL certificate is not the same as the date it was issued. The expiration date is the date on which the certificate will no longer be valid, regardless of when it was issued. This means that if an SSL certificate is issued on January 1st, it will still expire on the same date the following year, regardless of when it was issued.

What Happens When an SSL Certificate Expires?

When an SSL certificate expires, the website will no longer be able to encrypt data sent between it and its visitors. This means that any data sent between the website and its visitors will be vulnerable to interception and misuse. Additionally, most web browsers will display a warning message to visitors, informing them that the website is not secure.

It is important to note that an expired SSL certificate does not mean that the website is no longer secure. It simply means that the data sent between the website and its visitors is no longer encrypted. The website may still be secure, but the data sent between it and its visitors is vulnerable to interception and misuse.

How to Renew an SSL Certificate

Renewing an SSL certificate is a relatively simple process. The first step is to contact the CA that issued the certificate and request a renewal. The CA will then verify that the website is still secure and issue a new certificate with a new expiration date.

Once the new certificate has been issued, it must be installed on the website. This is usually done by the website’s hosting provider, but it can also be done manually. Once the certificate has been installed, the website will be able to encrypt data sent between it and its visitors once again.


SSL certificates are an important part of website security, and they do expire. It is important to keep track of the expiration date of your SSL certificate and renew it before it expires. Doing so will ensure that the data sent between your website and its visitors remains secure and private.

If you are looking for an SSL certificate for your website, eSSL is the perfect choice. We offer a wide range of SSL certificates, from Domain Validated to Extended Validation, to ensure that your website is secure and your data is protected. Buy SSL Certificate today and keep your website secure.